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The following text is real sample content from a consulting company that works to improve material waste management and promote the circular economy. Their copy was great, but the text styling was inconsistent; mainly caused by remnant HTML tags from their word Document.

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With an emphasis and focus on product stewardship and extended producer responsibility, we have been involved with many interesting projects for our clients, providing them with the analysis they need to make informed policy and programming decisions. Below is a sampling of projects encompassing CM Consulting’s various services, and the sectors in which we perform work, that we believe represent a good cross-section of our experience:

Waste Management Plan, 2015

Client/funded by: Municipality of Trent Lakes (ON)

Working in association with Cambium Inc., provided research and analysis to support recommendations on how the municipality could increase its diversion rate, improve the efficiency of its waste management program, and enhance waste education for its residents. Options identified and recommended included establishment of a source separated organics program, expansion of the depot program, increasing participation in backyard composting, and implementing a full pay-as-you-throw program, among others. Various funding opportunities (e.g. CIF, GMF) available to implement these programs were also investigated and identified.

Technical Guidelines for Recycling of Lead-Acid Batteries, 2014-2015

Client/funded by: Commission for Environmental Cooperation

CM Consulting led a project team commissioned by the CEC in 2014 to develop a set of technical guidelines that would identify and consolidate environmentally sound management practices and technologies for recycling spent lead-acid batteries (SLABs) in North America. These guidelines represent the culmination of a 2-year development process during which CM, in association with Kelleher Environmental, Gracestone Inc., and Jose Castro Diaz, prepared and revised various drafts based on comments received from relevant stakeholder groups and technical experts in all three countries. In addition to two public review periods, the consultation process included a stakeholder workshop led by Clarissa  in Mexico City, Mexico, which was attended by more than 100 participants including leading industry, government, and nongovernmental organization (NGO) experts.

Recycling Trends Analysis Study, 2014

Client/funded by: City of Calgary (AB)

CM Consulting (in association with Kelleher Environmental, Sound Resource Management Inc., and ChemInfo Services) was retained by the City of Calgary to conduct a study to not only understand the factors influencing the downward trend in recyclables collected, but to help the City better forecast and prepare for future tonnages and to target communication and education for the Blue Cart program. The report was developed in a number of phases; reviewing available city information (i.e. waste composition and participation studies; MRF throughput; existing waste/recycling bylaws, etc.), collecting and analyzing recycling trends in other key municipalities across North America, reviewing existing literature on behaviour change in recycling, reviewing literature and conducting interviews on future trends in recycling, incorporating analysis of City information and data with findings, and forecasting future trends in recycling by running four future tonnage projection scenarios. The project also involved developing an Excel-based model which could be used by the City to predict future diversion trends.

Development of draft Recycling Process, Audit and Verification Guideline for the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 2013

Client/funded by: Ontario Waste Management Association

The purpose of this guideline is to help ensure higher quality recycling in the Province of Ontario, by developing a standard framework for processing, reporting, and verification. Following review by a CSA committee of experts, industry and government, the guideline will serve as a foundation for the eventual development of a final CSA Recycling Guideline which, among others, could be used by federal and provincial governments, municipalities and commercial generators across Canada.

Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Canada: An Issues Paper

Client/funded by: Environment Canada

The white paper features a comprehensive overview of issues related to e-waste management in Canada and recommendations to help mitigate them.

The WEEE Report: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Reuse and Recycling in Canada, 2013

Funded by: Various companies, ENGOs, and governments, including Environment Canada

The report features a comprehensive overview of Canada’s provincial WEEE collection and recycling programs, including an in-depth look at performance measurements and program costs. (see home page for the report)

Understanding and Managing Critical Issues Related to Implementation of Deposit Return in Catalonia, September 2013

This report explains how a deposit-return system for beverage containers could work in the Region of Catalan and identifies the roles and responsi­bilities of various stakeholders in the system. In addition, a series of cost and performance scenarios for planning purposes are presented. Issues surrounding system accountability are examined, such as cross-border fraud and illegal redemption. This is followed by a discussion of measures that have been put in place in other jurisdictions to help minimize the impacts of fraud, or prevent it altogether.

Who Pays What – An Analysis of Beverage Container Recovery and Costs in Canada, Produced bi-annually since 2002

Client/funded by: Canadian provincial governments, NGOs and various private sector companies

This report features the most recent recovery and cost data pertaining to beverage container recovery programs in Canada. It is embraced by the industry as an essential resource and reference guide. Morawski developed the report concept, content, and analysis, after which, sponsors/funders were sought.

Managing Canada’s Waste Batteries, May 2012

The report features a comprehensive overview of Canada’s end-of-life recycling programs for waste batteries, including an in-depth look at program performance. (see home page for the report)